Category Archives: Video

Sawyer Somm Episode 1: Featuring the Nerd Stalker

Welcome the inaugural Sawyer Somm podcast, with your erstwhile hosts, myself and the amazing tech wizard Adolfo Foronda, aka The Nerd Stalker. We will be coming to you monthly, or thereabouts, to discuss wines, interesting devices (sometimes about wine), special guests (sometimes in the wine industry) and whatever else comes up in our scintillating conversations. Hope you will be joining us on my You Tube station:  Subscribe to be kept abreast of the frequency of our posts!

In the meanwhile, crack open a good bottle, put on your comfy sox, get planted on the couch and check out our first episode! As a primer here are some details about the items we will be mentioning:

Tempour made by Soiree Home and designed in Napa Valley.

Summertime wines!
J. Lohr 2015 Gesture Grenache Rose, Paso Robles. $18
Tablas Creek 2015 Vermentino, Estate Grown, Paso Robles. $27
Fulcrum 2013 Pinot Noir, Landy Vineyard, Russian River Valley. $58

May Tours at Redwood Hill Farm in Sebastopol

Care to frolic with goats?  Well here is your chance!  For two weekends in May, Redwood Hill Farm offers farm tours which of goatscourse means playing with baby goats, learning to milk a goat, or feeding and brushing the goats! There will be milking parlor demonstrations, lots of kids’ activities and of course  picnicking in the beautiful Gravenstein Apple orchard.  But will there be wine you ask?  Not sure, that depends on how you load your picnic . . .

Redwood Hill Farm tour dates are May 8 and May 21 & 22, 11 am – 3 Redwood-Hill-Logo-Website-2016pm.  Rain cancels so be sure to check the website beforehand, then plan your trek over to 5480 Thomas Road in Sebastopol.  Until then check out this interview by Daedalus Howell with the goat cheese man himself, David Bice!

Welcome to Wine Judges Corner!

winejudges-300x180Wine Channel TV has a new digital online wine lifestyle community called Wine Judges Corner dedicated to wine competitions, award-winning wines and wine judges!

Not only does the site provide extensive competition information for both past and future events, but it also offers the inside scoop from competition organizers, exclusive interviews with renowned judges and extensive wine reviews by experts in the field.

Start your exploration by reading up on yours truly,
follow that up with details about the site!

Wine Judge Christopher Sawyer

Sonoma International Film Festival: March 30-April 3

I’m diving into another great film, wine and epicurean adventure! SIFF 2016 gets started on Wednesday.  This year there will be more than 90 hand-selected films including independent features, documentaries, world cinema, and short films. All within walking distance of Sonoma’s historic plaza.

Come view, taste and stroll with me in Sonoma! Christopher



International Grenache Day (G-Day) – September 18th!

G-DAY is the chance to go out and enjoy some great Grenache wherever you are – anything, anywhere, any budget, with anyone. Get started with this animated video that I narrated for a lesson on the Origin of Garnacha:

This year, G-Day is on Friday, September 18th.  Wherever you are, make sure to include some Grenache-based wines in your day or week and share your adventures via social media where you will find me circulating.  Twitter handles to follow are @Grenache_Global and #GRENACHEDAY.

Cheers! Christopher