Did you miss Zinfandel Day on Thursday November 19th? That’s OK, I have you covered here for an extended celebration with my recent article Preserving the Zinfandel Legacy of Mendocino County published on the ZAP Blog. (And mark your calendar for some social zintancing with ZinEx in January 2021!)

It was my pleasure to taste and muse about the fabulous flavors from a memorable visit up north: My Mendocino trek also involved a few conversations that are documented on The Varietal Show, from my YouTube channel; including Chef Mark Dym of Little River Inn; Steve Alden spinning the tale of Murder Ridge; and this extra little repost below from my visit with Lorenzo Pacini at the famous Pacini Vineyard! Enjoy and FOLLOW my channel for more exciting episodes to come . . .
Where’s Waldo? Find the visitor flying around in one of these three videos. Name that bird! #GoMendo