Coming Up Next on CellarPass TV!

What a great line-up we had last week!  Continue tuning in to  CellarPass TV  for more exciting shows, broadcasting Mondays & Thursdays from 6PM – 7PM Pacific.  Each features interviews with special guests from the wine industry & beyond:  I am a featured guest alongside the following notables. . .

May 11, Monday:  Acumen Wines, MLB Player Chili Davis

May 14, Thursday: Scott Harvey Wines, Owner & Winemaker

You will get to know what inspired them to jump into their career, what their passions are, what they like to drink, wear and who knows?!  Be sure to submit your questions during the broadcast so that we can answer them On Air LIVE!


On top, #SawyerSelfie with winemaker Steve Harvey; Clockwise: Chili Davis; Steve Harvey collection; Diana Schweiger & a sampling of Acumen Wines!

Watch CellarPass TV every Monday & Thursday!

Grab a glass drink and join us on CellarPass TV as the exciting lineup of shows continues, broadcasting Mondays & Thursdays from 6PM – 7PM Pacific.  Each features interviews with special guests from the wine industry & beyond:  I am a featured guest alongside the following notables. . .

May 4, MondayPlumpJack GM & Partner, John Conover!

May 7, Thursday Sommelier Cole Sisson from Doe Bay Wine Company!


Introducing “The Varietal Show” with Somm Chris Sawyer!

Well it is about bloody time, right? Let’s just start talking to wine personalities about their work and have a good time with it, which I already like to do anywhere anytime 24/7!

This is my inaugural discussion on “The Varietal Show” which features Eric Sussman of Radio-Coteau and County Line Vineyards. Relaxing in an empty dining room at Gravenstein Grill, we practice social distancing as we taste and talk!

Tune In To CellarPass TV-April 27 & 30!

Make the most of social distancing with our LIVE CellarPass TV shows, broadcasting Mondays & Thursdays from 6PM – 7PM Pacific.  Each features interviews with special guests from the wine industry & beyond:  I am a featured guest alongside the following notables. . .

April 27, MondayFurthermore Wine with Winemaker Chad Richard, joined by Jennifer Reichardt of Liberty Duck!

April 30, ThursdayLouis Martini Winery with Executive Chef Jeffery Russell (featured above) & private Chef to the Stars Chef Frank Miller!

You will get to know what inspired them to jump into their career, what their passions are, what they like to drink, wear and who knows?!  Be sure to submit your questions during the broadcast so that we can answer them On Air LIVE!

See you then! Christopher


Top to Bottom: Chad Richard of Furthermore Wine (on right); Louis Martini Winery offerings; Delicious Liberty Duck!

Hospice du Rhône 2020: Video, Virtual & Rescheduled!

We can all still celebrate Hospice du Rhône 2020 in a few ways.  You can start with this informative video I made a few years back about the wines and region.  After that, scroll down for some updates to the HdR calendar that you can partake in this week!

Now start your own #RhôneAtHome campaign on social media.  Share what you are drinking with other Rhône-fans, and show your support of Rhône producers.  Use the hashtag @hospicedurhone, and HdR will share your post!

This all leads up to the BIG virtual cheers on Saturday, April 25th 2020:  Join to celebrate the wines, people and regions that embody Rhône varieties!  Zoom link to cheers with us will be posted on the HdR website, and sent to their mailing list.

Lastly, be sure to add the new dates of Hospice du Rhône to your calendar on April 22 – 24, 2021 at the Paso Robles Event Center in California.  (All visitor and exhibitor tickets, along with sponsor partnerships will remain valid.)

Cheers, hope to see you all LIVE next year!

Next Up on CellarPass TV – Arrington & J Vineyards!

It just keeps getting better!  Grab a drink and join us on CellarPass TV  for more exciting shows this week, broadcasting Mondays & Thursdays from 6PM – 7PM Pacific.  Each features interviews with special guests from the wine industry & beyond:  I am a featured guest alongside the following notables. . .

April 20, MondayArrington Vineyards
with Winemaker Kip Summers!

April 23, ThursdayJ Vineyards & Winery
with Winemaker Nicole Hitchcock!

You will get to know what inspired them to jump into their career, what their passions are, what they like to drink, wear and who knows?!  Be sure to submit your questions during the broadcast so that we can answer them On Air LIVE!

See you then! Christopher