This Saturday the Create Again benefit show will take place in Santa Rosa. Thanks to everyone who has helped, shared, donated, etc. So far $2400 has been donated on the event site, toward the absolute goal of $5000.
Join me at the event by choosing the $15 Ticket Perk! If you cannot make it Saturday you can still donate at the site until April 10th. All proceeds will go directly to the music program at Lawrence Cook School where Andy Lopez attended.
Thank you for supporting this great cause and hope to see you there!-CS
hey Christopher, wishing I’d have known of this earlier to help promote on the show. Daedalus will be a guest this Saturday, and We’ll be sure to mention it. Great work… speak with you soon. Cheers!
Be sure to mention my friend Darwin Meiners who is the event organizer! His band will be playing as well, among others. Details at the site. Thanks!