Category Archives: People

Reading Time: American Wino by Dan Dunn

At the ZAP Expo last weekend I ran into my friend Dan Dunn, author of the book American Wino: A Tale of Reds, Whites, and One Man’s Blues.  He inscribed my copy with “This doesn’t happen without you man!”  High praise.  Looking forward to the read.

Here is an informative Forbes review to warm up your mental palate for the excursion:  American Wine: A Fun New Wine Book Wine Snobs Will Hate

In Memorium: the Reynolds-Fisher Power Duo

The year 2016 ended with the unexpected loss of two women, a mother and daughter, that shocked us all.  As a film lover I have to acknowledge this and want to refer you to an upcoming documentary on HBO this coming Saturday January 7th at 8pm.  Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds was filmed in 2015 and set for release this summer but the demand is now.  We all need one more fix of these amazing ladies!

Read this article by SF Chronicle television reviewer David Wiegand for more insight about the film:
Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher and a mother-daughter bond

Remembering Greg Walter: 1958 – 2016

Photo thanks to Gerald Weisl.
Photo thanks to Gerald Weisl.

It is with sadness that the wine industry says goodbye to a good man: My friend Greg Walter passed away September 2 from cancer. He had such an impact on this challenging industry as owner of The Pinot Report, former editor of the Wine Spectator and writer for the Sonoma Sun.


If you wish to join friends at his memorial please RSVP at this site.

You can catch a glimpse of him in this video about Gloria Ferrer.
Cheers to Greg, he will be dearly missed by many people!

A special bottle for a stellar occasion!

The Rehoboam! (photo thanks to Karen Hess)
The Rehoboam! (photo thanks to Karen Hess)

I have been saving this!  It was given to me by a wine colleague and waiting for just the right moment.  That moment came this weekend at Flying Cloud Farm for my brother Ethan’s nuptials and celebration.  It was an amazing event with lots of wine (of course) and the ritual Nigerian style sharing of the Kola Nut in honor of my new sister-in-law Amaka’s family heritage.  So when the time to toast the newly betrothed couple came I whipped out the Rehoboam of delectable Gloria Ferrer Brut and proceeded to fill almost every glass at the reception!

Congratulations to Ethan & Amaka!
Here’s to many happy years together.  With wine.  XO from yer bro.

Just married: Amaka & Ethan!!!!
Just married: Amaka & Ethan! (photo thanks to Cody Kirkhart)

Jean Arnold Sessions new Exec Director of SVVGA

A hearty congratulations to my friend Jean and the Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Association for making their relationship formal!

My fun photo of Jean Arnold Sessions with Alexandra O'Gorman of Ramey Wines and Summer Kostik Jeffus of Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits at the Sonoma County Barrel Auction in April.
My fun photo of Jean Arnold Sessions (center) with Alexandra O’Gorman of Ramey Wines and Summer Kostik Jeffus of Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits at the Sonoma County Barrel Auction in April.

“It has been a long-held dream of mine to be a leading voice for our wine community. The vintners of Sonoma County have many stories to tell. These stories bring to life the challenges of working with such diversity of land, dedication to sustainable grape growing for the highest quality of winemaking, while working together to care and support our agriculture and our community. This is an exciting time to be part of the Sonoma County Vintners.” — Jean Arnold Sessions.

You can read details about their joint venture HERE!